One of the First in California: EK Health Select MPN

Steve Kline
General Counsel, EK Health Services, Inc.

On May 21, 2014, the DWC approved the EK Health Services, Inc. application for the EK Health Select MPN. Prior to the passage of SB 863, only insurance companies and employers could create a Medical Provider Network in California. With the 2012 reform legislation, entities that provide network services became eligible to own and create an MPN. We are proud that EK Health Services, Inc. was one of the first managed care companies to have their MPN approved and certified.

One of the significant benefits of EK Health Select MPN is that an employer, insurance carrier, or third party administrator or other managed care company can have their workforce become part of the MPN in as little as 30 days.

With EK Health Select MPN, clients can expect the same high quality of providers and services that our custom network clients have experienced for years.

Each physician has acknowledged that they treat workers' compensation patients, will not dispense drugs from their offices except in limited circumstances and will treat in accordance with MTUS and other national guidelines. The most important focus is to get the injured worker all reasonable and necessary quality treatment as early as possible and to get the person back to work.

Lastly, but very important, EK Health Select MPN has a group of quality Medical Access Assistants to help injured workers find the right physician to treat. Helping to make appointments and get the care needed is critical to managing the care, resolving the injury and getting a good claim outcome.

We are proud that EK Health Select MPN is paving the way with a new and different California MPN.